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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cascade, Suave, and ThermaCare.... Only $3.97 OOP! OH MY!

Several readers have helped me come up with some scenarios to get Cascade and more ThermaCare heat wraps for my hubby. (The heat wraps are for him; we'll share the Cascade!) I took their advice and came up with a way to get Suave body wash, heat wraps, some Armicare, Pringles, and Cascade for $3.97 OOP. Here's how I'm going to try to work it:

Transaction #1:
Arnicare $8.99
4 Suave body washes $2 each
4 Pringles $0.88 each

-$4 off any $20 purchase from previous receipt
-$2 Arnicare (here) - Thanks johnz!
- $0.50 Suave x 2 from ???
-$0.30 Pringles x 4 from Sunday's newspaper insert
-$9.99 ECBs from earlier this week

Total: 2.32 + tax OOP
Earn $10 ECBs (Arnicare $8, Suave $2)

Transaction #2:
Arnicare $8.99
2 Dawn Hand Care dishsoap $0.99 each
1 ThermaCare heat wraps $5.49
1 Cascade $3.49
1 cheap filler - hopefully $0.50???

-$4 off any $20 purchase from previous receipt
-$2 Arnicare (here)
-$1 Dawn x2
-$0.55 ThermaCare
-$0.24 Cascade

Total: $1.65 + tax OOP
Earn $8 ECBs (Arnicare)

I guess you can roll the Arnicare deal 5 times! I may come up with a few more scenarios, but they would be similar to these. You can also roll the Suave deal 5 times. Have you created any scenarios that work for the Arnicare deal? I'm hoping that the Arnicare also helps hubby's back. We can't go wrong to at least try it at this price!

Again, thanks to johnz for the heads-up on this great deal! I'm going to be at CVS multiple times before this week is over.