Saving and Giving has moved to! I hope that you'll all join me over at Saving & Giving's new home. I'm planning some fun giveaways to kick things off. I'm still working on the site, and I'd love to hear your input. Let me know which features you want me to keep. You can email me at If you're currently an email subscriber, you shouldn't see any change in your daily email newsletter. I switched the feed over so that you should continue to receive your daily updates.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

$10 off a $100 Purchase Coupon from Home Depot

Home Depot is sponsoring a free Do-It-Herself Workshop on Tuesday, October 23 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. This workshop is designed for women to learn about energy-saving measures that can significantly reduce your monthly energy bills.

In 90 minutes, you can learn how leaks in your walls affect your heating and cooling costs, how insulating your HVAC system benefits your wallet, and and how properly caulking windows and doors prevents drafts and high heating bills.

If you attend, you will also receive a $10 off a $100 purchase coupon that is valid from 10/23 to 11/06. You can register or find out more about the Do-It-Herself Workshop HERE.