Saving and Giving has moved to! I hope that you'll all join me over at Saving & Giving's new home. I'm planning some fun giveaways to kick things off. I'm still working on the site, and I'd love to hear your input. Let me know which features you want me to keep. You can email me at If you're currently an email subscriber, you shouldn't see any change in your daily email newsletter. I switched the feed over so that you should continue to receive your daily updates.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

FREE 20 oz. Gatorade

You can get a FREE 20 oz. bottle of Gatorade, G2, or Gatorade Tiger (up to $1.39) when you share five men's health tips with a friend. Simply go HERE and enter your friend's email address and your email address. You'll be asked to enter your mailing address too, as the coupon will arrive by mail in about 6 weeks.

This promotion is going on to support Men's Health Month, so I'm guessig that there will be some pretty useful tips for guys. There is a limit of one coupon per household for the entire promotion. Head over HERE to get yours today! (Thanks, Erin!)