Saving and Giving has moved to! I hope that you'll all join me over at Saving & Giving's new home. I'm planning some fun giveaways to kick things off. I'm still working on the site, and I'd love to hear your input. Let me know which features you want me to keep. You can email me at If you're currently an email subscriber, you shouldn't see any change in your daily email newsletter. I switched the feed over so that you should continue to receive your daily updates.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Krogering..... AGAIN

I guess today's trip to Kroger doesn't actually count for this week since all of the groceries I bought are for next week. Right? I went by myself and ended up with a mounding cartful of groceries, much of it produce. (We're trying to eat more fresh fruits and veggies now that they're in season.) But I did spend just over $100. EEKS! I don't have any pictures for you this time. It was a race to get it all put away when I got back. Hubby was helping, and he needed to eat and get back out to plant a couple of shrubs. At least it's all put away!

The good news is that I should have enough for meals for two weeks out of that. So, aside from a quick trip for milk or bananas, we should be able to keep these two weeks at about $50 each.

Hmm.... That sounds vaguely like a post I did two weeks ago. Then I ended up back at Kroger to snag some deals. I'll try to stick to it this time!!