Saving and Giving has moved to! I hope that you'll all join me over at Saving & Giving's new home. I'm planning some fun giveaways to kick things off. I'm still working on the site, and I'd love to hear your input. Let me know which features you want me to keep. You can email me at If you're currently an email subscriber, you shouldn't see any change in your daily email newsletter. I switched the feed over so that you should continue to receive your daily updates.

Monday, July 13, 2009

All You Grocery Challenge Update

Well, today was Day 1 of the All You Grocery Challenge. Is anyone else participating? I didn't think I'd be spending anything this quickly, but I had to make a quick run by Walmart to return a few things today.

While I was there I picked up a HUGE bottle of apple juice and some canned pineapple for tonight's dinner (HERE). Somehow a 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew and a cookie made their way into my cart. Not sure how that happened -- really -- but by the time I realized it, I had already paid for them.

That's going to be one of the big budget-breakers for me if I'm not careful. When I'm at work, I'm a Diet Mt. Dew junkie. Maybe this will be a good excuse to kick that habit! Unfortunately, the cap on today's bottle had a buy 1 - get 1 free message under it!

This week's grocery spending so far: $4.95


PoorMom said...

I'm participating !
My big worry is my husband , he is a paramedic and eats on the run alot ( we should own 7-11 by now) . He gets free stuff about 60% of the time ( 100% of the time if he gets it from the hospital ready room but he gets sick of the free food there) . He is on a strict 3.00 a day budget . He did great yesterday with a 1.75 Slurpee .

I have some links on my site for tools to help you in the Grocery Challenge

Good Luck !