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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New CVS Prescription Gift Card Coupon

I finally clipped last Sunday's coupons today, and I'm SO glad that I did! My husband had to pick up a prescription from CVS today, and it was a new one. I ran across a Target gift card prescription coupon in Sunday's Target insert. It was good for a new or transferred prescription, so we used that when we picked up his prescription. Not only did I get the $10 gift card.... My ECBs for last quarter printed too! Yay!

While we were out shopping (see HERE), my mom called to see if we could swing by CVS to pick up a prescription for her from CVS. I happened to have my coupon binder, and I happened to have another Target gift card prescription coupon. So I ended up with a second $10 gift card.

We used part of the first one to get Emma a quick snack, but I still have $17.50 in gift cards, $6.50 in ECBs, and a $5 off $25 coupon that came via email today. I see a trip to CVS in my future!!

Does anyone know whether or not the ads inside Target stores have those coupons this week? I wouldn't mind picking up one more to keep in my wallet just in case.


Rachel said...

i got two coupons this week from CVS for $25 gift card for new or transferred prescriptions?

Jennifer said...

Chewymama, that's GREAT! Hold onto them. If you've never used them before, they're a great way to get free stuff at CVS. If you fill a prescription that you've never had at CVS before, they give you a gift card when you pick up your prescription. You can then use the gift card for anyting in the store except prescriptions, alcohol, and gift cards. (I think those are the only restrictions.)

CVS is wonderful about accepting these coupons from competitors. That's how I got my gift cards this week. I didn't have the coupon from CVS. I only had them from Target. But CVS gladly honored them.