My husband and I had some free fun the other night as we were both working away at our computers. He was humming a song from the 80s but couldn't remember the name of it. So I went to
Swagbucks, typed in what he could remember, and found it! I then headed to
YouTube and found the entire song. We just shook our heads wondering what the appeal of some 80s music was! Duran Duran? Dancin' on the Ceiling? Tiffany?
We ended up going back and forth taking turns shouting out a song, artist, or group. I'd search YouTube, and we'd listen through a song. We had a great time reminiscing about big hair, pegged pants, and songs that we STILL know ALL the words to! Ohhh so scary!
And yep ... that's me... late 80s.... BIG hair!

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Works for Me Wednesday hosted by We Are THAT Family.
My husband and I do the same thing with the 90s. We also have a running playlist that we add to on a regular basis, and then we buy the songs one by one here and there for 99cents on Amazon so we can listen to them together when we are out driving. Way too much fun!
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