Out-of-Pocket Cost: $.77 plus tax
Single Check Rebates: $14.00
Final Cost: FREE plus $13.32 Profit
I got my $20 Gift of Fall certificate in the mail today, so I headed out to Rite Aid to spend it. (Can't let it sit around and collect dust, you know!) I got everything pictured above for $.77 plus tax. I didn't include the true retail value in the numbers above, because I got the Scope free with the Crest purchase and the Kleenexes Buy 1 - Get 1 FREE. The actual retail value of everything pictured is $47.18. Even the cashier was impressed.
Here's how I did it.
What I Bought:
1 Huggies GoodNites - $9.99
1 Vaseline Sheer Infusion Lotion - $4.99
1 Kotex - $2.99
2 GE Lightbulbs - $2.00 ($1.00 each)
1 St. Ives Apricot Scrub - $3.99
1 Crest with Outlast - $3.99
1 Scope Outlast - FREE with Crest purchase ($4.69 retail)
6 Kleenex tissues - $7.47 ($2.49 + Buy 1 - Get 1 FREE)
Coupons Used:
-$5.00 off $25.00 Rite Aid printable coupon HERE
-$2.00 GoodNites coupon from a Kroger home mailer
If the coupon's bar code begins with a 5, it's a manufacturer's coupon and can be used anywhere.
-$2.00 off GoodNites Video Values Rite Aid printable coupon HERE
-$1.50 off Vaseline printable coupon HERE
-$1.00 off Kotex coupon from a sample (printable available HERE)
-$1.00 off Crest coupon from 10/11 P&G insert
-$.75 off Scope coupon from 10/11 P&G insert
-$.50 off x 2 Kleenex coupon from 9/13 SmartSource insert
-$20.00 Fall Gift of Savings certificate
Single Check Rebates:
$3.00 Huggies
$4.00 Vaseline
$2.00 Kotex
$2.00 GE
$3.00 St. Ives
Out-of-Pocket Cost: $.77 plus tax
Single Check Rebates: $14.00
I could have reduced my out-of-pocket cost even more if I would have had a copy of the $1.00 off St. Ives coupon from 9/20 SmartSource insert. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it. I'm certainly not complaining!
If you are waiting for your Fall Gift of Savings to arrive in the mail, be prepared. You do have to spend the whole thing in one transaction. Fortunately, Crystal (one of my readers) had warned me about that ahead of time. I decided to make the best of it and purchase items that would generate more rebates.
Awesome trip!
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