Welcome back to A Time to Give, my weekly feature where we share ways to give, ways to share, ways to be generous. If this is your first time stopping by, welcome! You can read the original A Time to Give post HERE. In a nutshell, I started this feature as a way for us to inspire each other to be even more generous. I tend to get wrapped up in finding great deals, and I don't want to lose sight of one of the reasons we live frugally... to be able to give more. Each week I'll share a giving idea of mine, and you share a giving idea of yours.

This week I want to highlight a special event happening over at Kingdom First Mom. During the month of November, Alyssa is hosting The 30-Day Giving Challenge. She is inviting us all to grab a journal and, for the next 30 days, write down every time we find ourselves being generous. It can be the giving of your time, your talent, or your resources. Document it all.
While we're documenting our own generosity, Alyssa is also asking us to write down every time something comes back to us. Wow.... Watching the cycle of generosity come full circle should be very interesting. I've never had a time when God hasn't given back to us every penny we've given... and more! But I've never taken the time to document it. Since this challenge includes far more than money, it should be extremely eye-opening.
Will you join us? Will you accept the challenge to give - no matter what the giving entails - every day for 30 days? Will you document it and be amazed?
I encourage you to begin by reading Alyssa's original post on the 30-Day Giving Challenge HERE. Then head over HERE to read the follow-up she posted this week. You may want to participate via Facebook - and invite all of your Facebook friends to join you - or via Twitter. You can use the Twitter hashtag #30dayGC. Bloggers can find a badge for their sidebars HERE.
This is such a wonderful opportunity for all of us to join together and GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. I can't wait to hear your stories about how God turns that giving around and blesses you right back with it!
Now it's your turn to share your ideas for sharing, giving, and being generous. Note: If you are reading this post via an email subscription or a blog reader, you'll need to click the title of the post in order to see the links left by others.
You can participate in a couple of ways. If you're a blogger, write a post about a way that you've been able to give. It can be something simple or something out-of-the-ordinary that you did. It can be something from this week or from last year. Don't think of it as bragging... It's a way to encourage others to take action and be more generous! A few guidelines for bloggers:
- Please add a link to Saving and Giving so that your readers can find everyone's ideas all in one place.
- Make sure the link that you add here takes people directly to your A Time to Give post, not the main page of your blog. To do that, publish your post, view your blog, right click on the title, and copy the shortcut. Then paste that shortcut in as your URL here.
- Bloggers who link to other posts or their main pages will have their links removed. This eliminates confusion for others who are looking for ideas on how to give.
- Please do not link to giveaways, contests, or ads.
- Feel free to use the image above in your post. It's not mandatory, but you're welcome to it!
If you're not a blogger, you can participate too! Simply click the comments link below this post, and leave your ideas there. I would love to hear from you!
If you have any questions about A Time to Give, please feel free to contact me at savingandgiving@gmail.com. I look forward to being inspired by your ideas on giving! And stop back each Thursday for a new edition of A Time to Give.

Thanks for visiting! What a blessing when people give :) I linked the post. Have a great day! Blessings, Cheryl
Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's encouraging to be doing this along with so many other people. :)
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