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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 11/23

Emma helped me plan our menu last night, so I let her choose one night's dinner. Her choice? Grilled cheese. Works for me, little lady! We'll be traveling to see my mother-in-law and her husband for Thanksgiving, so we have two days of meals that won't be on the plan. My mother-in-law insisted on making everything since we were traveling. Here's what's on the menu for the rest of the week.

Leftover Lasagna
I will be reaping the benefits of planning ahead. I have to work and will be home at 4:30. We have parent-teacher conferences at Emma's school, so we have to drop her off at my parents' house at 5:30. Eeks! That's not much time for dinner, is it? But we'll be able to reheat, eat, and run.

Soup, Grilled Cheese, and Cucumber Slices
This was the menu chosen by Emma... with my little addition of the soup.

Homemade Pizza
I tried making the crust dough in my bread machine last week, and I'm sticking with it! It wasn't flat and lifeless, much better than what I was getting before.

Thursday & Friday
We're traveling these days, so I won't be preparing any meals. I have planned ahead a bit and have snacks and drinks ready for our travels.

Chicken 'n Noodles

Broiled Fish with Italian Seasoning (Didn't get to it last week)
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans

For more menu planning inspiration, stop by Menu Plan Monday hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie.


SnoWhite said... 1

What a wonderful sounding week! I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving.