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Thursday, February 4, 2010

CVS Trip: Saved 64%

Starting ECBs: $10.00
Total Merchandise Value: $38.87
Out-of-Pocket Cost: $13.87 plus tax
Ending ECBs: $4.00
Savings: $ $25.00 (64%)

I stopped at my local CVS today to do the deal that I tried to do Tuesday. I could have spent $8.87 out-of-pocket had the other store had the correct coupon usage information (You can read my CVS love-hate story HERE.), but I shouldn't complain about 64% savings (which could have been 77%... but I'm not bitter... really).

Transaction #1
What I Bought:
2 Huggies GoodNites - $20.00
1 Softsoap Body Wash - $3.00
1 Colgate MaxFresh Toothpaste - $2.99

Coupons Used:
-$1.50 off x 2 GoodNites coupons from 1/17 SmartSource insert
-$1.00 off Colgate coupon from January All You Magazine
-$2.00 off Colgate coupon from previous CVS receipt
-$1.00 off Softsoap coupon from 1/31 SmartSource insert
-$1.50 off Softsoap coupon from previous CVS receipt
-$10.00 ECBs

Out-of-Pocket Cost: $8.49 plus tax
ECBs Earned: $7.00 ($5 Huggies, $2 Colgate)


Transaction #2
What I Bought:
1 Cottonelle Bonus Pack Bath Tissue - $12.88

Coupons Used:
-$.50 off Cottonelle printable coupon
-$7.00 ECBs from Transaction #1

Out-of-Pocket Cost: $5.38 plus tax
ECBs Earned: $4.00


Total Merchandise Value: $38.87
Total Out-of-Pocket: $13.87
Savings: $25.00 (64%)