Kroger has restocked their digital coupons. Head over HERE to load the following e-coupons onto your Kroger card.
- $6 and $10 off Prevacid
- $5 off party platter
- $4 off Scotch Fur Fighter
- $2 off Excedrin
- $2 off Theraflu
- $2 off Triaminic
- $1 off Fur Fighter Refills
- $1 off Jose Ole
- $1 off Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters
- $1 off 2 Pillsbury Savorings
- $1 off Pup-Peroni
- $1 off Romano's Macaroni Grill Kit
- $1 off Spot Shot
- $1 off People Magazine
- $1 off Sunset Magazine
- $1 off Yoplait Delights
- $.80 off 2 Yoplait Kids Yogurts
- $.75 off 2 Betty Crocker Supreme Brownies
- $.75 off 3 Hamburger Helpers
- $.75 off 2 Pillsbury Frozen Grands
- $.75 off 2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Holiday Cookies
- $.55 off Reese's Puffs Cereal
- $.55 off Challenge Dairy Product
- $.55 off Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
- $.55 off Yoplait 32 oz. Yogurt
- $.50 off Betty Crocker Warm Delights
- $.50 off Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
- $.50 off Betty Crocker Frosting
- $.50 off Chex Mix
- $.50 off 2 Progresso Soups
- $.40 off Betty Crocker Potatoes
- $.40 off Betty Crocker Cookie Mix
- $.40 off Fiber One Chewy Bars
- $.40 off Pillsbury Italian Meal Bread
- $.35 off Bob Evans Sausage
Head over HERE to load any of these onto your card!
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