Out of Pocket Spending - $9.41
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This week's deals at CVS were the absolute best ones that I've run into yet! Of course, I've only been CVS-ing for about a month. From what I hear, the sales when I began weren't anything to write home about. This week must have been different. Or else they just happened to have on sale just what we were almost out of! The picture above shows what my daughter and I picked up when we were out today.
*** DISCLAIMER: I have NEVER stopped at this many CVS stores or done this many transactions in one week (let alone one day!). However, this week’s ad had some excellent deals on items that we either currently need or will need in the very near future.
Stop 1 - Wheeling, WV - We checked out twice in Wheeling. Ideally we would have broken our order into three orders, but I didn't have the heart to ask the cashier for more than two. Here's how the two orders broke down:
Transaction #1
● 1 Bayer Low-Dose 32 count for 1.99 (I used a $1 coupon from Sunday's newspaper.)
● 1 Infants' Advil Liquid for 5.79 - We don't have an infant, but this will be donated to the local women's shelter. (I used a $1 coupon from the Advil website.)
● 1 Cover Girl pressed powder (my brand!) 5.49
● 1 Cover Girl pressed powder free (CVS BOGO sale)
● 1 Pert Plus shampoo for 3.69 (I used a 2.00 coupon from Sunday's paper.)
● 1 Pert Plus shampoo free (CVS BOGO sale) (I used a 2.00 coupon from Sunday's paper, and the cashier adjusted it to 1.69.)
● 1 CVS lip balm for .99 (I used a .99 coupon that was my August bonus from CVS.)
● 1 CVS (or so I thought) brand makeup remover for 4.99 (I used a 2.00 CVS skincare coupon for this. Coupon here)
● 1 4-pack of Scott Extra Soft toilet paper for 4.49 (I used a 1.00 coupon from a previous package.) They were out of the 12-packs, and we needed this!
I used a $2 off a $10 purchase coupon found here. (Scroll to page 30 and print.)
I used a Cover Girl BOGO coupon worth 5.49. (CVS will give you both items free if you combine their BOGO sale and a BOGO manufacturer's coupon. Yahoo!)
I also used 9.99 in Extra Care Bucks from last week.
My total was 0.27 + 0.75 tax = 1.02 out of pocket.
My total was 0.27 + 0.75 tax = 1.02 out of pocket.
I earned 5.79 in Extra Care Bucks for next time.
I also had a $4 off a $20 purchase coupon print out on my register tape.
Then I realized that I can't read! I was expecting the register to print me 5.79 in Extra Care Bucks for the Advil and 1.00 in ECBs for the makeup remover. (CVS makeup remover earns 1.00 ECBs this month.) I got the Advil one but not the makeup remover one. When I showed the cashier the picture in the ECB flyer and handed her the one I had purchased, I realized that it wasn't a CVS brand one! Ugh! She was kind enough to return it for me. I didn't realize until we had crossed the river back into Ohio that she had not figured my coupon into the return. I was too far away to go back and deal with it today. All in all, the cashier returned my 1.02 cash and gave me a CVS money card worth 4.27.
Transaction #2:
● 1 Bayer Low-Dose 32 count for 1.99(I used another 1.00 coupon from Sunday's paper.)
● 1 Cover Girl TruBlend mineral foundation for 8.99
● 1 Cover Girl TruBlend liquid foundation free (CVS BOGO sale)
● 1 Almay Bright Eyes liner for 8.99(I used a 1.00 coupon from Sunday’s paper.)
● 1 CVS brand hand soap (I will probably donate this to the women's shelter as we have a few.)(I used another CVS brand skincare 2.00 coupon.)
I used a $2 off a $10 order coupon.
Then I realized that I can't read! I was expecting the register to print me 5.79 in Extra Care Bucks for the Advil and 1.00 in ECBs for the makeup remover. (CVS makeup remover earns 1.00 ECBs this month.) I got the Advil one but not the makeup remover one. When I showed the cashier the picture in the ECB flyer and handed her the one I had purchased, I realized that it wasn't a CVS brand one! Ugh! She was kind enough to return it for me. I didn't realize until we had crossed the river back into Ohio that she had not figured my coupon into the return. I was too far away to go back and deal with it today. All in all, the cashier returned my 1.02 cash and gave me a CVS money card worth 4.27.
Transaction #2:
● 1 Bayer Low-Dose 32 count for 1.99(I used another 1.00 coupon from Sunday's paper.)
● 1 Cover Girl TruBlend mineral foundation for 8.99
● 1 Cover Girl TruBlend liquid foundation free (CVS BOGO sale)
● 1 Almay Bright Eyes liner for 8.99(I used a 1.00 coupon from Sunday’s paper.)
● 1 CVS brand hand soap (I will probably donate this to the women's shelter as we have a few.)(I used another CVS brand skincare 2.00 coupon.)
I used a $2 off a $10 order coupon.
I used the 5.79 in Extra Care Bucks from order #1.
I used another Cover Girl BOGO coupon that removed 8.99.
My total was 1.18 + .73 tax = 1.91
My total was 1.18 + .73 tax = 1.91
I used the CVS money card from the return for this, so there was no out-of-pocket money.
I earned 5.00 in Extra Care Bucks from the Almay.
Another $4 off $20 purchase coupon printed!
I also had a wonderful cashier who said that we taught her a few things about shopping today! How encouraging. I told her that the best thing I'd done was to go to the CVS website and register my email with them. I usually get $4 off a $20 purchase coupons at checkout because of that!
Our next stop was back across the river in Martins Ferry, Ohio. We did two transactions here as well and put the printed coupons from Wheeling to good use!
Transaction #3:
● 2 Lady SpeedStick 24/7 (my favorite!) for 1.99 each (I used 2 1.00 coupons from Sunday's paper.)
● 1 Colgate Total (our favorite!) toothpaste for 2.99 (I used a 1.50 coupon from last month's All You magazine.)
● 1 Advil Children's liquid (which we will use) for 5.79
● 1 CVS brand soap (keep or donate?) for 1.99 (I used a 2.00 CVS skincare coupon for this.)
I used a $2 off $10 purchase coupon.I used the 5.00 in ECBs from Wheeling.
My total was 0.95 + .39 tax = 1.34.I used the leftover CVS money card for this.
I earned 5.79 ECBs for the Advil. (I think that's my limit for the month.)I earned 2.00 ECBs for the toothpaste.
Transaction #4:
● 1 Scott 12-pack Extra Soft toilet paper for 6.49 (They got it from the store room!) (I used a 1.00 coupon from the Scott website.)
● 2 Oral B Advantage toothbrushes for 2.49 each (My little one wanted to get Daddy the pink one, but Mommy overruled that and went with green for him!) (I used 2 1.00 coupons from Sunday's paper.)
● 1 CVS soap for 1.99 (I used another 2.00 CVS skincare coupon for this. Keep or donate?)
I realized when I got this far that I wasn't far from being able to use my $4 off $20 coupon, so I filled the order. I actually thought that I was only buying a 4-pack of toilet paper and would need help getting to the $20 total. Having the nice cashier get me a 12-pack from the storeroom was even better. I didn't need the following fillers, but I didn't have the heart to ask her to remove them from my order!
● 1 Hot Tamales (for Daddy!) for 1.39
● 2 Orbit gum 3-packs for 1.50 each
I did end up using a $4 off $20 coupon.
I also had a wonderful cashier who said that we taught her a few things about shopping today! How encouraging. I told her that the best thing I'd done was to go to the CVS website and register my email with them. I usually get $4 off a $20 purchase coupons at checkout because of that!
Our next stop was back across the river in Martins Ferry, Ohio. We did two transactions here as well and put the printed coupons from Wheeling to good use!
Transaction #3:
● 2 Lady SpeedStick 24/7 (my favorite!) for 1.99 each (I used 2 1.00 coupons from Sunday's paper.)
● 1 Colgate Total (our favorite!) toothpaste for 2.99 (I used a 1.50 coupon from last month's All You magazine.)
● 1 Advil Children's liquid (which we will use) for 5.79
● 1 CVS brand soap (keep or donate?) for 1.99 (I used a 2.00 CVS skincare coupon for this.)
I used a $2 off $10 purchase coupon.I used the 5.00 in ECBs from Wheeling.
My total was 0.95 + .39 tax = 1.34.I used the leftover CVS money card for this.
I earned 5.79 ECBs for the Advil. (I think that's my limit for the month.)I earned 2.00 ECBs for the toothpaste.
Transaction #4:
● 1 Scott 12-pack Extra Soft toilet paper for 6.49 (They got it from the store room!) (I used a 1.00 coupon from the Scott website.)
● 2 Oral B Advantage toothbrushes for 2.49 each (My little one wanted to get Daddy the pink one, but Mommy overruled that and went with green for him!) (I used 2 1.00 coupons from Sunday's paper.)
● 1 CVS soap for 1.99 (I used another 2.00 CVS skincare coupon for this. Keep or donate?)
I realized when I got this far that I wasn't far from being able to use my $4 off $20 coupon, so I filled the order. I actually thought that I was only buying a 4-pack of toilet paper and would need help getting to the $20 total. Having the nice cashier get me a 12-pack from the storeroom was even better. I didn't need the following fillers, but I didn't have the heart to ask her to remove them from my order!
● 1 Hot Tamales (for Daddy!) for 1.39
● 2 Orbit gum 3-packs for 1.50 each
I did end up using a $4 off $20 coupon.
I also used 7.79 ECBs from the first transaction.
My total was 3.05 + .19 tax = 3.24
My total was 3.05 + .19 tax = 3.24
There was still 1.02 left on the card, so I was left paying 2.22 out-of-pocket.
I earned $2 ECBs from the toothpaste and $3 ECBs for the toothbrushes.
Then we got in the car and headed back to St. Clairsville. This is a smaller CVS store with a bit less in the selection department, so I saved the non-specialty items for this stop. When I was tearing the ECBs off the last receipt, I noticed that I was only $5-ish dollars away from getting $5 ECBs on their candy deal (buy $10 in candy and get $5 ECBs back). I NEVER thought I'd even use this, but my gum/candy fillers from the last stop had started the ball rolling!
Transaction #5:
● 3 Orbit gum 3-packs for 1.50 each
● 1 Scott 12-pack Extra Soft toilet paper for 6.49 (I used another 1.00 coupon from the Scott website. You can print 2.)
● 6 boxes of Kleenex (only paid for 3 - BOGO sale at CVS) for 1.29 each (I used 2 50 cent coupons from Sunday’s paper.)
● 1 small package of M&Ms for 79 centsThese are a necessity of life at our house! Our daughter takes nasty-tasting medicine twice a day, and even the pharmacist’s flavor shots won’t kill the taste. So she gets one M&M when she takes it. I guess it’s a modern day “spoonful of sugar” (but with less sugar!).
● 1 CVS lip balm for 99 cents (The lip balm and M&Ms were fillers to get my pre-tax total above $20 so I could use my coupon.)
● 1 box of Mike & Ike candy for 1.39 (This plus the 3 gums made the candy deal purchase complete.) Somehow these ended up open and partially-eaten before we got home. Hmmm….
I used a $4 off $20 purchase coupon that had printed in Wheeling. (Somehow I scored two of them!!)
I earned $2 ECBs from the toothpaste and $3 ECBs for the toothbrushes.
Then we got in the car and headed back to St. Clairsville. This is a smaller CVS store with a bit less in the selection department, so I saved the non-specialty items for this stop. When I was tearing the ECBs off the last receipt, I noticed that I was only $5-ish dollars away from getting $5 ECBs on their candy deal (buy $10 in candy and get $5 ECBs back). I NEVER thought I'd even use this, but my gum/candy fillers from the last stop had started the ball rolling!
Transaction #5:
● 3 Orbit gum 3-packs for 1.50 each
● 1 Scott 12-pack Extra Soft toilet paper for 6.49 (I used another 1.00 coupon from the Scott website. You can print 2.)
● 6 boxes of Kleenex (only paid for 3 - BOGO sale at CVS) for 1.29 each (I used 2 50 cent coupons from Sunday’s paper.)
● 1 small package of M&Ms for 79 centsThese are a necessity of life at our house! Our daughter takes nasty-tasting medicine twice a day, and even the pharmacist’s flavor shots won’t kill the taste. So she gets one M&M when she takes it. I guess it’s a modern day “spoonful of sugar” (but with less sugar!).
● 1 CVS lip balm for 99 cents (The lip balm and M&Ms were fillers to get my pre-tax total above $20 so I could use my coupon.)
● 1 box of Mike & Ike candy for 1.39 (This plus the 3 gums made the candy deal purchase complete.) Somehow these ended up open and partially-eaten before we got home. Hmmm….
I used a $4 off $20 purchase coupon that had printed in Wheeling. (Somehow I scored two of them!!)
I used the 5 ECBs that I had earned in Martins Ferry.
My total was 7.02 + .17 tax = 7.19 out-of-pocket.
That’s pretty HIGH for me!! But I balanced it by reminding myself I was earning 5 ECBs for next week. We’ll certainly use the gum, and now I can roll the ECBs!
Whew!!! Did I mention that my little girl was a doll during the whole trip. We laughed, tickled, and overall had a good time on our journey. We even snuck in a stop at Big Lots for cereal and Kroger for dairy items. Of course we also stopped at Wendy's for my little one's favorite cheeseburgers. What's a shopping day without a little lunch splurge thrown in!?!?
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