With a new month comes another opportunity to clean out those coupon binders and boxes! I just cleaned mine out, and I'm getting ready to send them to an overseas military family.
The Happy Housewife connects couponers like you and me with military families who are stationed overseas. These families can use coupons up to 6 months after their expiration dates. Now that I'm connected with Jessica (who's overseas military), I send her my expired coupons at the end of each month. This is a GREAT way for me to recycle my coupons! The key for me is getting them sent out as soon as the month is over. They take a while to arrive, and I want her to have a chance to use them before they reach the six month mark.
If you want to join me in supporting our military families with our expired coupons, head over to the Happy Housewife's site and contact her. She can connect you with a military family too!
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